I want to submit a manuscript to CJVS, what should I do?

Please see  http://cjvs.ausmt.ac.ir /journal/authors. Note for submission guidelines.

What is the reviewing process?

Please see http://cjvs.ausmt.ac.ir /journal/process to get information about reviewing process.

Do I have to format my paper according to CJVS style?

Strict CJVS format is required for submitted papers. See the author guide on the home page. Manuscripts which are not according to the format of CJVS will send back to authors.

I register in your system, but I don't get my password in the mail, what should I do?

 Internet connection problems can cause this. In these cases, you should contact us at cjvs@ausmt.ac.irto get your password.

I have forgotten my username and password, what should I do?

To obtain your article username and password, you should contact us at cjvs@ausmt.ac.ir.

How long does the reviewing process take?

The reviewing process takes between 2 to 4 months.

What should I do if I need more time to correct the page proofs?

You should contact editor as soon as possible. Delays in returning page proofs can result in publication delays, in print and online. If your article has been scheduled for publication and you have not returned your page proofs on time, the editor may pull it out from the issue.

What should I do if I need more time to respond to reviewers?

 You should contact editor to extend your time. If we don't receive your responses on due time, the process of your manuscript will be stopped.

Do I have to answer each and every reviewer query?

Yes, it is necessary and very important that you answer each query, even if you think the paper does not require correction. Sometimes, queries are asking for updated information (references) or for missing citations of figures or tables in the text.

Do you accept material published in other journals?

We cannot accept articles that have been previously published in other journals. However, we do understand that many submissions may be evolutions of previously published works. For this reason, we allow submissions to consist of no more than 30% previously published material.

May I volunteer as a reviewer?

We would be glad to have you review articles. If you would like to do so, please send us your CV and a brief statement of your research interests to cjvs@ausmt.ac.ir.

What are reasons for a desk reject decision?

The most common reason for a desk rejection is lack of novelty. Sometimes the paper is out of the scope of the journal or it is better to publish in local or more specific journals. In these cases, the editors will notify authors of such a decision within a few weeks so that the author can find a more suitable journal for their manuscript without losing too much time.